Monday, 23 September 2013

Sign of the Times

A few weeks back, art director Lucy Sanderson asked me to come and lend an extra pair of hands with a project.

The project itself was making the set dressing for a tour, for a band called Rizzle Kicks, who, embarrassingly I had never heard of.  

The tour was a little different, with the band 'popping up' in a disused shop or space in a town, selling merchandise and doing signings during the daytime, then performing in the space in the evening. And as they are from Brighton, the vibe was seaside, arty, urban.

My task as a cog in the mechanism was to make their logo into a large sign, inspired by this image I was given of an oversized graffiti-esque piece. 

Cardboard Heaven

Along with the freshly formed Team Ghiadora, a design team who put the extra pizazz into anything they touch, I worked on dressing the VIP bar in the basement of the ultra trendy Casa Negra, Shoreditch. 

We built Barbie and Lego men sized bijoux, shanty towns, sleazy urban districts, cityscapes, battle stars, rocket launches, and much much more. 


Monday, 12 August 2013

Suddenly Sign Painting

Zoe's Ghana Kitchen is an amazing pop up dining experience. Zoe's often based in Hackney- but has done pop up spots in Berlin and events for Diesel jeans, but for 6 weeks only she is in The Africa Centre, Covent Garden. She makes a mean meal. 

I helped overhaul the sanitised white box into a working, technicolour, buzzing cafe- and found myself doing a spot of sign painting- which turned out surprisingly well. 


This was a likkle job. We provided a few actors to entertain people at a (huge) private party.

Jesus welcomed guests to the party, and after taking the zipline into the woods where it was held, they came across a loinclothed man bashing a gong, a-la the Rank film opener, and a roaring lion man leaping out of bushes, a-la the MGM film opener. Very silly.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Shitfaced. Again.

The Magnificent Bastards have another run at the Edinburgh fringe, as Shit-faced Shakespeare is taking on Much Ado About Nothing. (Tickets here)

Like all Fringe productions it became a last minute job. It was shoved in a suitcase, and as the photos show, came out rather crinkled at the other end.  

 (thanks Rah Petherbridge for the photos of the show. poop poop) 

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Tasteless Bracelets

Backstory: We have just arrived back to the UK, greeted by minus 3 degrees, from beautiful South East Asian warmth. 

While I was away, sat on a beach in Cambodia, a girl came and sat with us- trying to persuade me to buy a bracelet with the towns name written on it. 
It turned out she could write anything on the bracelet. ANYTHING. So i got her to write some very rude words in suitable coloured threads.

 And so here are my series of Tasteless Bracelets, displayed in the beautiful english snow. 

'Vulva' and 'Tofu' are the best.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Annnd, we are off!

I'm leaving the UK for at least 6 months. India and South East Asia beckon.

Theres another blog you can look at to see our travels, here. Rob's going to write, and I'll take the photos, which is definitely the best way round.