Friday, 2 December 2011

Be A Student: The Chairs

7 Designers made 7 Chairs, 7 days from conception to completion.

1: Jamie Donaldson: The Bullet Chair

2: William Warren

3: Dan Bruce

4: Ben Beanland

5:Alex Stevenson

6: William Warren: Upholstered Sunray Chair

7: Adrian Bergan

1: Jamie Donaldson 2: William Warren  3: Daniel Bruce 4: Ben Beanland 5: Alex Stevenson 6: William Warren 7: Adrian Bergman                                                               
     I don't seem to have a photo of the 7th designers work, William Banfield, instead William Warren (tutor) has been featured twice for some reason- you should check him out though- his 'Living Dining Set' is a beautifully simple pair of benches and a table which all break down to a coffee table. yes yes yes. 

My three legged barstool seems a little bit of a cop out now to look at it, but the aim was to make 4, all slightly altered for different uses. This one was the only to get finished in time- it has nubbins underneath to hang bags or strappy shoes on. 

Am I happy with it? not entirely sure yet. Although I like it- I'd like to knock out a few more- get better at turning the tops, more alterations. I think I played a bit safe- but learnt a lot. 

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